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HD Tread

The Hammer Strength HD Tread is a durable, self-powered curved treadmill made for performance athletes. Quick, efficient and tough enough to match the standards and expectations of elite champions.


Slatted curve design

The curved design of the Hammer Strength self-powered treadmill encourages mid to fore foot strike for fast acceleration and full speed sprinting. The athlete is in complete control of sprint mechanics and belt speed. This eliminates machine interference and puts the focus on athlete.


Configure your space

The HD Tread can be easily moved with integrated handles and wheels that allow for quick changes to your floor and added variety in your programming. This ease of transportation gives you the ability to adapt to thousands of different facility configurations.


Measure. improve. repeat.

Key performance metrics are measured on the Hammer Strength HD Tread console in live time. Critical measurements like time, speed, calories burned, wattage and heart rate can efficiently summarize your athlete’s performance.

Technical Specifications